What can you say about the weather here on the Central Tablelands, nothing that would not offend the delicate shell like ears of most.
Horrendous does just not cut it. We have waited and waited for the weather to improve during the Spring, but with little hope of that on the horizon we planted out the seedlings from the greenhouse, wished them all the best and crossed fingers.
We have mulching to finalise and we hope that this latest rain event won't lead down a path of powdery mildew and tomato fungal diseases, but we intrepid gardeners have faith and will see our little seedlings through to the harvest line.
We have had some success with the Garlic crop which was looking very uncertain. With the massive winter and spring rain, collar rot was a big concern and we waited as long as we could before taking the plants out to dry for a couple of weeks. They have not been all cleaned and prepared for storage as yet as they were harvested in the pouring rain from sodden soil and will just wait for a week or so to let all the dirt dry to brushing and trimming.
All in all despite the conditions not a bad harvest and should see us through the harvest season and the new season preserves.