Pickled Gherkins 250ml

The humble gherkins is making a comeback. The slice of gherkin and hard cheese on a toothpick was on every 70’s hor d’oeuvre plate. The Ploughman’s platter with cured meats and pickles is now becoming a retro wine bar staple.
SKU: HH004
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Pickled Zucchini 500ml

The humble zucchini has never tasted so delicious. Wonderful with cheese, any cured meats or smoked salmon. Brightens up any sandwich or livens up a boring salad. One fan puts them on their baked potatoes. My favourite is on lunch crackers with cottage cheese or ricotta absolutely moreish. Find your own unique use for these little gems.

Gherkin Relish 250ml

Can you remember the Sao with cheese and gherkin relish…. well maybe that is just me because I am just that old. This is a different take on the store-bought Gherkin Relish, with a more savoury flavour which the Pickled Gherkins (see our separate product offering) bring to the mix. Sometimes with a hint of chilli from the pickling process, but not overpowering, and the flavour of celery which combines for a wonderfully different relish. Use on your Charcuterie Board, in a Ploughman's lunch, or to add a zing to your sandwiches.

Hot Sweet Chilli Sauce

Made from our homegrown Serrano Chillies, the Mild has all the flavour of this sweet and spicy sauce without being too hot. The Medium is a bit more challenging to the taste buds and Hot is for those who like it hot…real hot. Delicious as a sauce for dipping, great as a sauce for Salmon or cooked meats. Stir some into your sauces for a great chill sweet chilli kick.